Apocrypha: A Geten Zine

A SFW zine dedicated to the ice villain Geten from BNHA

❄Mod Mala❄
Head / Social Media Mod
Hello! I’m Mala and I am incredibly excited to be heading this zine and pulling the social media strings! My previous Mod experience includes Blueflame (head mod), The White Glove Treatment (social media mod), Symbol of Fear (social media mod) and Featherlight (Contributor) and more! I have a huge soft spot for the villains of BNHA and Geten is one of my favorites!

❄Mod Mookie❄
Shipping and Finance Mod
Helloooo~~ Please call me Mookie, I'm your local shipping and finance mod. Although my venture into zines has been recent I am currently a contributor in: The Symbol of Fear, and a former contributor for the Monster ball event! I'm modding in a few zines too which includes: The Fool's Journey, BNHAborne, and Reign!
I'm so excited to be on this project it has been going beautifully and I'm so hype!

❄Mod Plutonia❄
Art Mod
Hello. My name's Plutonia, and I'll be the art mod for this zine! I have modded too many zines over 4 years in the game, and am STILL finding new stuff about CMYK profiles and programs every day. I've written a massive guide for CMYK across multiple programs, converted templates. I work as a graphic designer when I'm not aggressively getting mad online about Geten and the Meta Liberation Army. (`Д´*)┘
You can see the full list of completed / in-progress zines here

❄Mod Roxxie❄
Graphics and Formatting Mod
Hi there! I’m Roxxie and I’m extremely honored to be the graphics mod for this zine. This is my first time being a moderator on any zine, but I have contributed to other zines, The White Glove Treatment, AFO: Symbol of Fear, and the BNHA Monster Ball as an artist. BNHA is one of my favorite series of all times and I am excited to be a part of Apocrypha: A Geten Zine.

❄Mod Starling❄
Writing Mod
Hello snow peeps, my name is Starling! I’m the writing mod for the zine. This is my first time as a zine mod but I have been a contributor for various zines and fan events including Raw: A Hannibal Anthology, Love Grows: An Erasermight Zine, Problem Child Zine, BNHA Monster Ball, Erasermight Big Bang, and the upcoming Redemption: A Villains As Heroes Zine. I also have a degree in creative writing and am excited to see what all you icicles have to offer for Apocrypha. Now get your apps together and snow us what ya got!

❄Mod Rissa❄
Credit name: Rissa
Pronouns: she/her
Zine role: Organization & Beta Mod
Social handles: @mintylemontea (Twitter) @minty-lemon-tea (Tumblr)
Experience: https://rissa-about.carrd.co/#my-fanzines


❄Artist Application Requirements❄
Must our submitted pieces contain backgrounds?
❅ Out of the three pieces you submit, at least one of those must contain a full background.

What will you be looking for in pieces?
❅ We will be looking for the ability to create a well drawn composition, backgrounds, anatomy and style will be taken into consideration.

Do all my samples have to be BNHA?
❅No, but you will be required to have at least one BNHA sample to qualify.

❅ Writer Application Requirements

What is the submission word count limit?
❅The submission word count limit is 3000 words. All submissions must be finished pieces.

Can writers submit a portfolio?
❅ As long as they submit 3 separate pieces as well, then that is fine!

What is this Zines word count?
❅2500-3000 words.

What are the mods looking for in writing?
❅ For writing, we will be judging your overall ability to create a unique and engaging story. Whether you do that via character study, humor, description, etc. is up to your discretion.

❅ Merch Artist Application Requirements

Do we have to submit merch related pieces?
❅ If you are applying for any merch items, prints aside, then yes, your submitted pieces must be related to the selected merch items.

If we’re applying to be a print artist, do our pieces have to have full backgrounds?
❅ Yes, at least one of your pieces must have a full background.


❅ General Zine Information

How many contributors will be accepted?
❅ Artists-15
❅ Writers-5
❅ Merch Artists-3

Will this Zine be physical?
❅ Yes, this zine will be physical.

Is this Zine For-Profit or For-Charity
❅This zine is for profit.

Are ships allowed?
❅ Since this zine is Geten-centric the Mod Team has decided that we will not be allowing ships in this zine. However, contributors will be allowed to feature other characters as supporting characters in their piece. However, since we do not know much about Geten, headcanons will be allowed.

Which characters are/ aren’t allowed?
❅ Since we'd like to keep it mostly canon we will not be allowing OCs or crossover characters.

What theme will this Zine follow?
❅ This is a general zine.

Is fem Geten allowed?
❅ Yes.

How will the contributors be compensated?
❅ The contributors will receive the digital zine and if sales go well, they will also receive physical compensation and, if sales permit, monetary compensation.

❅ Application Information

Do we need to have a portfolio to apply?
❅ No, you do not need to have a portfolio. Submitting a portfolio will be an option but it is not required.

How many pieces do we have to submit?
❅ It is a requirement that you submit 3 pieces.

Are we allowed to submit more than 3 pieces?
❅ If you’d like to submit more than 3 pieces then you must submit a portfolio. It does not need to be anything big or special, a google doc or drive folder will be just fine.

Do our submitted pieces have to be Geten or BnHA related?
❅ Your pieces do not have to contain Geten but at least one of them MUST be BNHA related.

❄️ Schedule ❄️

‣ Interest Check: Nov - Dec. 15th
‣ Contributor Applications: Dec 18th - Jan 17th
‣ Contributor Emails: Jan 24th
‣ Final Concepts: February 1st

First Check-In: Feb 19th
Writers: Outline or 600-800 Words
Artists: Sketch

Second Check-In: March. 19
Writers: 1600 Words
Artists: Line Art

Final Check-In/Final Submission: April 19th
Writers: Completed 2.5K-3K minimum.
Artist: Completed, lined & colored.

Pre-orders open: To Be Announced

Shipping: To Be Announced



